Empowering fathers by addressing mental and physical health.

Supporting education and motivation.

There is a common misconception that Black fathers are dead beats, do not want to raise their children, are incarcerated, or just not capable of being fathers. The reality is that Black fathers are more present in the lives of their children than ever! Black fathers prepare and eat meals more with their children, take children to activities more, and help their children with homework more. Black Fathers are winning!

The Why

Black fathers are not celebrated often. This summit is designed to change that. The purpose of this summit is to not only celebrate Black fathers in the community, but also to improve our mental and physical health. Black men are less likely to attend therapy, talk to anyone about their issues, or go to the doctor for regular checkups. This summit will provide a space for this to be addressed.

Mental Health

The stigma surrounding mental health is already steep and for Black males, it is no different. The reality is mental illness affects us too. More than half of Black males are exposed to some sort of trauma and have unmet mental health needs. According to the CDC, there were 3,825 suicides completed by the Black community in 2022 alone and yet…mental health isn’t an issue?

Physical Health.

Did you know that Black men are 30% more likely to die from heart disease, 60% more likely to die from stroke, and 9x’s more likely to die from AIDS? Not only that, diabetes is prevalent in 12% of the Black population and Black men are 2x’s more likely to die from prostate cancer than most other men. We have to take better care of ourselves.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
